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Lawn Disease

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Lawn Disease Control

When you see a brown patch on your lawn, it may be tempting to jump to the conclusion that your lawn isn’t getting enough water. But, before start using the sprinkler, you might consider calling a lawn care professional. That spot of unhealthy grass may indicate the presence of brown patch disease, and the condition may only be exacerbated with extra watering.

Brown Patch Disease – Lawn Disease Control

Brown patch disease is a fairly common lawn problem in Texas. Left untreated, it can run riot in your turf, so it’s best to get on top of the situation as quickly as possible. Rather than indicating a lack of hydration, brown patch disease is the result of an infestation of Rhizoctonia fungi. This fungi is often present but harmless in conditions that are not conducive to its growth. When the weather is hot and humid, this fungus finds its ideal conditions.

Study Your Turf For Lawn Disease

Take a good look at your lawn. If you see brown patches about one to five feet in diameter, then you may be dealing with an infestation of Rhizoctonia fungi. It’s also common to see thinning grass within these patches. Some infestations are characterized by a yellow circle, commonly called a smoke ring, around the perimeter of the brown patch. Often, the center of the affected area is able to make a recovery, appearing essentially healthy while the grass around it withers. This makes the brown patch look a bit like a doughnut.

Brown Patch Disease Will Spread If Untreated

The best way to prevent and treat brown patch disease is by contacting us. Green Side Up will accurately identify any lawn diseases such as this one or any others. Our professionals will recommend a comprehensive plan of action and safely make applications as needed.

As part of the maintenance program, you are ensured of receiving the proper treatment to minimize the chances of brown patch disease taking hold. We will also provide valuable advice about when to water and how to tell when your lawn has received sufficient hydration.


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